Friday, January 18, 2008

String Dolls!

What a waste of string!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A bad shave can ruin your life.

Note the spackled on "5 o'clock shadow" make-up.
Did people honestly believe that this was a real beard growing in? Couldn't they have asked the model to actually start growing a beard?

I never realized how high the stakes could be...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Things could be worse

you could suffer from body odor.
In case you can't read some of this let me give you a snippet
Gayest of the gay, she seemed. But when alone - the tears came! Lonely, unhappy, no lasting friendships - all because of "B.O."

Here is another one just for fun:

Weren't those the days? When cigarettes left you rosy cheeked and fresh?

Monday, November 19, 2007


Lets celebrate the birth of Christ with skinless wieners!


I want everyone to pay attention to the maniacal expressions on these women's faces. This wiener ad was taken from a 1941 Ladies Home Journal. There is a little snippet of time in the forties where you see a ton of this insane happy look. Maybe its because the men were all away at war? What do you think?

Lazy Secretary has been very busy making Christmas presents at her desk (it involves scanning vintage textiles, distressing them, and decoupage).

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bash faces much?

Its really really busy here in Lazy Secretary land....
things really could be worse, couldn't they.

we could be bludgeoning our bosses to death with yoga sticks.

The thing that frightens me most about Linda Stein's murder is the satisfied look on Natavia Lowry's face after she committed the crime.


look at her.

I know that look...I know it so well.
Oh Natavia, I could be where you are now. But instead of picking up a yoga stick and smashing in a face, I blog, or knit, or look at pictures of homeless animals.

There are other ways of channeling your rage. Try and think a little more constructively next time, eh?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gone Fishin'

This image is from a 1941 Woman's magazine. The text under the illustration reads:

As Sheila introduced the two men, she compared them. Douglas-strong, reliable, crazy about a home and appearances; Mark-a rebel, jealous of his freedom, fighting the idea of marriage, for an idea of love.

Here is what I think it should say:

Lets go fishing: Brokeback Style.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Picnic

My boyfriend is a drunk, okay! Leave my carb addiction out of this.