Thursday, April 19, 2007

Have I done anything

Its 5pm.

I get to leave this hell hole in half an hour...but right now, at this moment there is absolutely NOTHING to do.

I've spent the last two hours looking at

My friend, Lazy Secretary Number Two and I went to the hot dog stand (after finding out that a hot dog only has 270 calories) to find that the hot dog vendor was gone. The pretzels, drinks, mustard and ketchup were all there, but no hot dog vendor. We just stood there waiting...and waiting...and nothing. I wonder where he went?

I feel a buzzing inside of my head from lack of stimulation.

So I decide to look up photographs of "adoptable dogs".

Oh God... my God. Why have I done such a thing?
I feel a bit like a barren woman must have during life has no meaning because I'm dogless. I'm a waste of space, basically a common criminal because my inability to produce a dog.

as if I wasn't depressed already...

I feel the lights above me sucking my brain bone dry. And I just want to go home.

Ten Minutes.

How should I fill it?

Silence, buzzing, silence.

Five Minutes.

The Woman Across the Cube is whispering to herself. Proud of her date with a 45 year old.
I nod in approval. My eyes glaze over.

Three Minutes.

Someone stops by the cube and says, "you look tired."

I'm exhausted and I've produced nothing.

One Minute.

I breathe. I get my jacket and leave.

1 comment:

David Lee said...

Have you ever seen Clockwatchers?
Netflix if you have not.
This reminds me of it.
I love this blog- I just discovered it. You need to write a show Lazy Secretary- I am for reals. empty hotdog vendor is so sad.