Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Fast

Yesterday THE WOMAN ACROSS THE CUBE fasted. All Day. In the morning she was jittery and chatty, I assume in an attempt to divert her attention away from her mild starvation. She called old friends and lost siblings, requested money for charity from some while complaining about her stomach pangs to others.

By 10 am I warned Lazy Secretary #2 that it was a "double headphone day" meaning she should wear both ipod headphones to drown out the inane chatter.

Unexpectedly, by 3:00 she was silent, like a horse with a broken spirit she continued sipping her Poland Spring water bottles...waiting for an apple. Around 4:00 she bit into that succulent fruit...commenting between bites that "everything's fine! this apple's all I need! everything in moderation"

She doesn't need to fast. If I look like her when I'm a grandmother all will be right with the world.

Today is a silent day. Its the kind of day where the phone only rings 4 times and all of The Big Executives are away at wonderful places: surfing at small beaches with hard to pronounce names where the concierges don't speak English, sipping coffee in Paris Bistros, or like my boss remodeling his Hamptons home by using nothing but non-union labor and gumption.

Its the kind of day where I am forced to ask myself, what does this all mean? Here is what I've done today:

Finished a book (The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls) by reading roughly 150 pages.
Went to have my eyebrows threaded
chatted with my boyfriend twice
submitted to various projects on-line via Craigslist
set up my new Ipod video, a gift from my father
logged onto to continue my search for a dog to rescue
researched what type of dog would be best for me, to my shock a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel came in second just under Maltese.
and obviously I caught up on email.

Here is what I didn't do:
make any contribution to society.

hmmmm. are contributions to society overrated? Am I stuck in a holding pattern?
I don't think I'm very different from other people. Lots of 30 year olds are in dead end yet cush jobs.

I know I'm talented, I know I have something to contribute to the world. I have so many ideas but I think I'm afraid.

Ick this blog is getting touchy-feely. I have to stop.

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